Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tell Me About it Thursday

I found this assignment on another "Mrs. Sandy"'s blog,
Not only do we share the same name, we also share the same favorite author and books. and I thought about naming my blog,"One Day at a Time", as she did.
Anyway, her assignment for today, is to tell something about your childhood.
I loved this, because I didn't think I could remember much about my childhood, but once I started thinking about it, memories started flooding in.
My favorite memory is already mentioned over on my About Me sidebar, but I am very glad to tell you the whole story.
I was passing notes in church one Sunday night. My Dad told me that I was going to get a spanking when I got home. As soon as we got home, I did get a spanking.
THEN, he sat me in his lap, opened his Bible to Romans and told me about Jesus dying for my sins. I was ready to ask Jesus into my heart. We went to my bedroom, knelt down together by my bed, and I prayed to ask Jesus into my heart. Then, we called my pastor and told him. I was baptized the next Sunday.
I have many more special memories. . .
eating breakfast and supper almost every day as a family
Saturday morning breakfast dates with my Dad
family vacations, especially the one to Washington, D.C. in 1976
G.A.'s, Bluebirds, Campfire,
swimming and picnicing on the beach
going to church
special memory at school:
4th grade-Mrs. Ayres, stood outside her room with our group of girls, helping us to work out an argument. . .she cared about us.
I had a great childhood!
Thank you, Mom and Dad!

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