Monday, July 20, 2009


This post is a place for you to share your recent "mama moments", meaning those moments that your heart skipped a beat just because you're a mom.
It could be when your heart was bursting with pride because of something special your child did or it could be a moment when your heart was breaking for your child. Either way, I hope you'll share some of your "mama moments" with us.
Here are mine for this past week.

  • hearing Kalyn crying on the phone, saying

"I'm just so ready to see you all.";

  • all of the moments that we got to be with Kalyn at Falls Creek this past week;
  • Kalyn promised each of us, Jeff, Jase and me that she would tell us what was bothering her, but she never did.
  • a heart to heart talk between Jase, Jeff and myself
  • an invitation on Facebook from Jase to join his Echo Scripture memory and prayer request group
  • reading Jase's Facebook status about God at work
  • missing Josh, Adrianne and Madasyn

Please share.


  1. I had a tough mama moment when we planned a day at the beach and ended up turning around and coming home before we ever arrived to impress a lesson in proper child behavior upon my kids. It was a day when I wondered if any of my past corrections and instruction has been heard... yet the talk at bedtime last night showed that my kid have soft hearts and something is getting through. (it may be small, but it's there!)

  2. LMM,
    Thank you so much for sharing! THAT IS how it is with parenting! I know you and your hubby are doing an AMAZING job of raising your 2 precious kiddos. Keep it up and I am praying for you!

  3. Thanks Sandy! You are always so encouraging. :)

  4. Lovely post and encouraging as well! Thank you so much.
    Collette xxx
