Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pursuing LOVE. . .It is not Rude.

I am so glad that I was able to read 3 wonderful posts this morning that asked,
"Are you rude or courteous?"
I know that we can't be both rude and courteous at the exact same time, but I know that I am rude at times and that I am a genuinely courteous and caring person. I am always "working on" trying to not react rudely.
I am very compassionate and sensitive, but am also sometimes defensive. I am always taking this to the Lord and trying to do better, and I think that maybe I am finally getting a little better. Being in His word really helps a lot.
Dear Lord,
I praise You for how you speak to me and work in my life.
I repent of any time that I am ever rude, disrespectful or defensive to anyone.
I acknowledge that You can help me overcome this and become a more considerate, courteous person.
Dear Lord, I thank you for my family, co-workers, students and friends. I pray that you will be with all of them today. I pray especially for the student that I have on my prayer list today, and for the meeting that we are having with his Mom today. I pray that we will all be courteous to each other. I also pray for another teacher who is having a meeting with the mom of a student that she wants to refer for testing. I pray that Your will be done in all situations.
Dear Lord, I pray for myself that You will be with me in all that I say and do today. Dear Lord, please help be to be courteous to all.
Dear Lord, please equip me to do the things you would have me do today.
I thank You again for Your presence in my life. I thank You for other Christian bloggers that I can learn from and I pray for them.
In Your Name I Pray
I Corinthians 13:4-8NIV
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude. It is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of worngs. Love does not delight in eveil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
Please join us in the Pursuit of LOVE over at Marsha's Musings


  1. Amen my friend....we are all OVERCOMERS and VICTORIOUS in HIM! One day and sometimes one Step at a time! I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart would be pleasing to HIM Ps 19:14 ~ Praise HIM for HIS Word!

  2. I enjoyed your post. I could have written the same things as how you decribed yourself I think. I have to work on not being defensive.

    Have a blessed day!

    (I see you are a fellow TX blogging gal!)

  3. Sandy,

    I think that you are so pure, true, loving, kind and what a privelage to have met you!

    With love,

  4. Oh my, that defensiveness can creep in so easily. Thanks for bringing that point out.

    I'm so glad you joined us last week. I apologize for taking so long to get over here. It's been a very hectic time with our ministry. The next post will go up on Monday. Sadly, I didn't get one up this week. This is the first time in 2 1/2 years I haven't blogged in 3 days! Oh my, how I missed everyone!

