(from Beth Moore)
"Your discussions in this gathering will revolve around different points in your homework.
Two from Week One. Two from Week Two:
1. Look back at the middle of page 12 where Kelly had us look up Deuteronomy 23 and
Judges 3 to get some background on the Moabites. Read Deuteronomy 23:3-5 together if you’re not watching this as a small group. In your small group, I want you to talk about a few things that have happened in your lives that Satan would love to use to curse you. You can think of it conceptually more than literally if that helps. At the end of class today, I want you to claim that fifth verse together in prayer and believe God to turn those curses into blessings!
2. Turn to the middle of Week One, to the bottom of p.21 and the top of p.22. I loved Kelly’s discussion about her friend “weeping forward.” What do you think that means? Several of you share a season in your life when you feel like you wept forward and several others might consider sharing a season in your life when you wept backward. Most of us have done both at some point in our lives.The next two are from Week Two:
3. OK, Day Two has a portion that is vintage Kelly Minter and one reason why I love her writing so much. Look at the second paragraph on p.42 where she tells about her sister, Megan. If you were writing a novel that was secretly about yourself right now and right in this season and you had to name it in the form of a question, what would it be?
4. Turn to p.45 and review the part of your homework concerning Psalm 126. Please read the psalm together then discuss your answers to the “Personal Response” question: Practically speaking, how can you sow in your weeping? Don’t miss how much this section has to do with your second discussion question today.
In closing, read the Elizabeth Barrett Browning quote at the end. Let it lead you into prayer and don’t forget to claim those blessings from our first discussion question today!
For all of you participating in the fellowship meal, consider the recipes on pages 62-63 and either do them or some Italian equivalent.
I am so happy to study with you! Stay in the Word and I’ll see you in two more weeks!"
In closing, read the Elizabeth Barrett Browning quote at the end. Let it lead you into prayer and don’t forget to claim those blessings from our first discussion question today!
For all of you participating in the fellowship meal, consider the recipes on pages 62-63 and either do them or some Italian equivalent.
I am so happy to study with you! Stay in the Word and I’ll see you in two more weeks!"
If you are doing this study with me, I hope to hear from you today!
1. My sin as a teenager
ReplyDelete2. I have wept backward sometimes, but I have wept forward, moving forward with my life,
getting involved in church each time that we have moved. . .
3. "What is the job that you have for me next, Lord?"
4. trusting God, serving Him, ministering to and encouraging others, getting involved in ministry to women; youth; children; using my wrong decisions to help others go in the right direction
Hope to hear from you all soon!
Richmond VA
ReplyDelete7 including myself
Being that my group nobody had ever met before and we are all getting to know each other this question really helped us get to know each other on a different level. Most of my group responded to this question with the answers being family, divorce, and abuse. It was so silent as each lady went around the table and shared. I was so proud of them for opening up and letting us peak into their lives. After the study was over we prayed and lifted everyones situations up to God.
In question number two we found that we all have had situations of weeping forward and weeping backwards. I talked about how I’m going through this healing journey after being diagnosed with a blood disease. I know that I should be weeping backwards but I feel like I’m weeping forwards and God will use this as an amazing testimony one day. During this season I’ve been finding ways to serve my friends and church community. Not focusing on my circumstances. Another lady in my group shared about how her and her husband were weeping forward during a season in their life when he got a job transfer. They had to leave their church and their home and move far far away. She said that during this season of her life it was really hard but that it was like a spiritual renewal for both her and her husband. Relying on their faith for everything. We had a few scenarios of weeping backwards. One lady talked about the loss of her mother a few years ago. She said that she had lost a lot of family around the same time but when her mother died all the grief hit her all at once.
A main them when talking about our weeping forwards and backwards was that regardless of the scenario God was right there the whole time providing for us each step of the way. Even though we couldn’t see it at the time we can all look back and see God’s hand at work in our lives.
I assigned the question about our novel question for them to really think over and answer next time they come. I wanted us to really think about this one and not just answer with whatever we could think of right off the top of our head.
I really enjoyed these questions. I feel like I know all my ladies so much better and know more about how to pray for them as we continue on this study together.
Richmond VA
ReplyDelete7 including myself
Being that my group nobody had ever met before and we are all getting to know each other this question really helped us get to know each other on a different level. Most of my group responded to this question with the answers being family, divorce, and abuse. It was so silent as each lady went around the table and shared. I was so proud of them for opening up and letting us peak into their lives. After the study was over we prayed and lifted everyones situations up to God.
In question number two we found that we all have had situations of weeping forward and weeping backwards. I talked about how I’m going through this healing journey after being diagnosed with a blood disease. I know that I should be weeping backwards but I feel like I’m weeping forwards and God will use this as an amazing testimony one day. During this season I’ve been finding ways to serve my friends and church community. Not focusing on my circumstances. Another lady in my group shared about how her and her husband were weeping forward during a season in their life when he got a job transfer. They had to leave their church and their home and move far far away. She said that during this season of her life it was really hard but that it was like a spiritual renewal for both her and her husband. Relying on their faith for everything. We had a few scenarios of weeping backwards. One lady talked about the loss of her mother a few years ago. She said that she had lost a lot of family around the same time but when her mother died all the grief hit her all at once.
A main them when talking about our weeping forwards and backwards was that regardless of the scenario God was right there the whole time providing for us each step of the way. Even though we couldn’t see it at the time we can all look back and see God’s hand at work in our lives.
I assigned the question about our novel question for them to really think over and answer next time they come. I wanted us to really think about this one and not just answer with whatever we could think of right off the top of our head.
I really enjoyed these questions. I feel like I know all my ladies so much better and know more about how to pray for them as we continue on this study together.
1) Being abandoned, abused and betrayed - the three biggies in my life that could have turned me into a mess! God was so faithful to bring healing in all three!
ReplyDelete2)I think weeping forward means that we aren't glossing over the trial or hardship that we are faced with, but we aren't letting it stop us in our tracks either. We weep with the emotion of it, but we move forward, one step at a time in obedience to the direction of God.
I've done both. I had a trial that did stop me in my tracks for a while, but then God graciously used the situation to get me to leap forward in my spiritual growth. More recently, I've been weeping forward over something for quite some time; doing the thing, but weeping so much (not literally) that it has taken a long time to make just a little progress. I finally had a break-through, hence the word "refreshed" to describe my current season.
3)Why are you so afraid?
4) prayer, clinging to God & believing Him!, scripture memory
Sorry to be so late, Sandy. You can expect to hear from me much sooner for the next two discussions. I am loving this study and Kelly is delightful. I wish I had been around for the NOGS study; I'm definitely going to do it sometime. Thanks for hosting us, and take care!
Yea, Shelli, so glad to get your responses on both posts! Talk to you more, soon!