Monday, July 5, 2010

Angel's WHY I COUNT IT ALL JOY Wednesday

"REJOICE in the Lord always. I will say it again, Rejoice!
Let your gentleness be evident to all.
The Lord is near.
DO NOT be anxious
about anything,
but in everything,
by prayer and petitition,
present your requests to God,
and the PEACE of GOD,
which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds
in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:4-7
This week, I am so full of JOY, because
even though my husband and I have never gone 10 days without being able to speak to one of our children, we can REJOICE and know that Jase is where God wants him to be right now, and that the Lord is near. We are to not be anxious about anything, but just keep praying and giving it all to Him, and the PEACE of God is guarding our hearts!
The Giving Plate
This plate belongs to everyone
where it may go
with each new sharing of its gift,
the love and blessings grow.
Friends and family gather 'round
with kindness and with laughter,
to nurture body, mind and soul,
with memories forever after.
So fill it up and pass it on,
to family and to friends,
to start the circle one more time,
Love's journey never fails.
This week, I am so full of JOY,
because I had such a great
Bible study time
with these girls!

This week, I am so full of JOY,

because I got to meet Valerie,

my blogging friend,

that I met through

the LPM blog.

These are not my feet.
They are the feet
of a teenage girl in our
youth group.
I just thought it was
a cute picture of
I am also full of JOY,
to be the hands and feet
of Jesus Christ.

This week, I am full of JOY,
because I am taking time,
to smell the roses!

Sharing in
Counting it all Joy Wednesdays,
is like the Giving Plate,
so go here to share in the JOY!!!


  1. Love your list, Sandy. Isn't it great to meet a fellow blogger?

  2. A delightful post and such a wonderful Bible verse.

  3. Love your JOY list and that you are helping to spread the JOY!!

    Love and Blessings

  4. What a wonderful Joy-filled list this week Sandy!! Oh to have that Peace & Joy when it comes to not talking to our kids!! I am praying for you and Jase! Trusting the Lord is using Jase MIGHTILY for HIS Kingdom!!

    So glad you were able to meet a fellow blogger! That is sooo exciting :)

    Thank you for sharing and spreading JOY!

    Love you
