Friday, February 4, 2011

sNo Complaining! Psalm 147 of Praise

Psalm 147NIV

1Praise the lord.

How good it is to sing praises to our God,

how pleasant and fitting to praise him!

4He determines the number of the stars

and calls them each by name.

5Great is our Lord and mighty in power;

his understanding has not limit.

6The Lord sustains the humble

but casts the wicked to the ground.

7Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;

make music to our God on the harp.

8He covers the sky with clouds;

he supplies the earth with rain

and makes grass grow on the hills.

9He provides food for the cattle

and for the young ravens when they call.

10His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,

not his delight in the legs of a man;

11the Lord delights in those who fear him,

who put their hope in his unfailing love.

15He sends his command to the earth;

his word runs swiftly.

16He spreads the snow like wool

and scatters the frost like ashes.

17He hurls down his hail like pebbles.

who can withstand his icy blast?

18He sends his word and melts them;

he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow.

I know some are getting tired of being snowed in, and that's understandable. We thrive on routine, on being busy, on our daily schedule, which most of the time, in some ways, can be very good.

We all have heard the verse, "Be still and know that I am God.", and we have all heard that prompting of the Holy Spirit on our lives to be still at times.

I know that there are a lot of negatives to a terrible snow and ice storm, such as wrecks, roofs caving in, power outages. . .I am praying for all who are suffering during this time.

I know that God is in control. I am taking this time to "gaze upon the Lord" and study His word.

Click HERE to go to the Spiritual Sundays blog to share and be blessed.
Thank you so much Charlotte and Ginger!


  1. Love this, Sandy!! That's exactly what I'm trying to do. I actually love living in a place that we can wear flip flops one week and be housebound due to a blizzard the next. God let's us experience the wide array of his majesty and creation. sNo complaing here either! LOL.

  2. You are so right! I am tired of all the snow and the hardship that it is causing, but we can use the time wisely. I have been doing lots of reading and eating to much, but I am enjoying it at the same time. God is definitely in control. Great post!

  3. Great use of your time ... and a great reminder to all!

  4. I have been housebound for 4 days now because of the snow but I am grateful that it is not worse than it is. I still have my power and my roofs are intact. I know God watches over me and is protecting me. I am using my time to write, read Christian novels and follow the blogs and facebook. Makes it seem like we're not alone. lol. Good post.

  5. I have never been snowed in,but I always take advantage of the times when all I can do is be still.I hope your staying warm.
    God Bless,

  6. yes, we have so much snow here. And much more winter to go. Always good to keep our focus on God and not the circumstances. I can get weighted down by the weather sometimes, that daily reading of scripture and his sovereign reign is the only way to deal with it. (otherwise I get kind of crabby come March when spring should be here)

  7. A good reminder that God is still on His throne.

  8. Yes, sometimes God MAKES it so we HAVE to slow down. Maybe that's been a good thing for many here. I'm reading quite a few are blogging for the first time in quite a while since they can't get out/don't want to venture out. That can never be a bad thing when they're gaining something in Christ & sharing something with us by what they've gained. ;o}

    Found you through Spiritual Sundays. Glad I did. Lkg fwd to following you & invite you to follow as well!

  9. I needed to read this...b/c I'm rangy from the snow...cold and being inside. thanks.

  10. Hi Sandy,

    I grew up in Chicago, and I've never lived anyplace that resembles those winter days. I never considered it an inconvenience because that's just how Chicago winters were. We don't even approach that kind of snowfall level here in Virginia, but last weekend I found myself thanking God for those people responsible for clearing the streets and highways.

    I don't want to complain about snow because I can now find something to be appreciative about it. I'm learning that it's good to give God thanks in all things.

    Blessings and peace.


  11. This is a wonderful post for all those who are snowed in. It is also good for those of us in sunshine states like mine. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Sandy, this seems to be a theme for this week's Spiritual Sunday. The Lord blesses me so through the Psalms. This one is so appropriate for those of us closed in with the Lord and ourselves. He knows how to get us where we need to be. He is in control and that is a comfort in itself. Thanks for taking the time to share such an inspiring post. God bless you, Dr. Bobbi from Daily Grace

  13. more singing at FHC ~
    join us?
    what you're experiencing is our normal reality.
    that's what winter is ~ so we don't have the shock value ~ we expect and protect proactively.
    and we enjoy in the midst of weather turns -
    relax & rest in God's arms ~ He knows how to keep us...

  14. I posted a while back about how God's hand is over us whilst we were experiencing snow like the UK has never seen before... it makes you feel humble, blessed, protected, doesn't it. Your words remind me of the song we often sing in church 'Amazing god' ... I love the verse where we sing 'he created each star in the sky and he knows them by name'. Thanks for reminding me.

  15. Good, timely post. This is very helpful to all of us, snowed in or not. Thank you.

  16. No snow here in Portland, Oregon. A little jealous of having those unplanned down days. When you HAVE to be still and know that He is God!

  17. Very uplifting post. Stay warm and have a good week-end.

  18. Even without the trauma of snow I need to take time for the Lord. Lovely post.
