Time to join Pam and share the moments we're going to miss one day...because life is so short! As Carrie says, "Sometimes it's hard to find those moments among our busy schedules, but that's what I love about participating in this...it makes me stop and think about it and appreciate them so much more!"
I have been reminded by death several times in the past month, just how precious and uncertain life is.
There are SO many moments from Josh, Kalyn and Jase's childhoods that Jeff and I miss so very much. We know to live in the present and enjoy each moment that we have with our children.
I really can't think of much that I don't miss, except maybe trips to the emergency room, Dr.'s offices and stays in the hospital.
The time spent with a child (teenager) from this week, that I am going to miss when the nest is completely empty is. . .
just simply "family discussions at home". We have been having a lot of them lately, about the Bible, about current events, about our days. . .about a lot of things.
I'd love to hear what your enjoying now that you're gonna miss someday!
Enjoy those moments with your family!
Time does go by so fast. I know that when I blink my kids will be in the teenage years and I will be missing so much. Enjoy every minute