According to Chisholm, there were no special circumstances which caused its writing—just his experience and Bible truth. The hymn first appeared in Songs of Salvation and Service, 1923, compiled by William M. Runyan. It is the unofficial “school hymn” of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, with which Runyan was associated for a number of years.
Runyan wrote the music specifically for these words; it appeared in the 1956 Baptist Hymnal:
This particular poem held such an appeal that I prayed most earnestly that my tune might carry its message in a worthy way, and the subsequent history of its use indicates that God answered prayer.
This particular poem held such an appeal that I prayed most earnestly that my tune might carry its message in a worthy way, and the subsequent history of its use indicates that God answered prayer.
I am sure that you all have heard this song many times, since it was written in 1923 and is still sung in our churches today.
I am not going to copy the whole song here today, just some words that stuck out to me this morning.
You change not, Your compassions, they fail not,
As You have been, You forever will be.
Summer and Winter and Spring and Harvest,
Sun, Moon and Stars in their courses above join with all nature. . .
To Thy Great faithfulness, mercy and love
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thy own clear presence to cheer and to guide,
Strength for today , bright hope for tomorrow!
Blessings all mine with ten thousand besides!
Great is God's faithfulness!
Morning by morning, new mercies I see.
All I have needed, Thy hand has provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!
Well, I did copy almost all of it, but not quite.
I'm going to repeat a part again. It is speaking to me so much!
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth.
Thy own clear presence to cheer and to guide.
Strength for today, bright hope for tomorrow.
Morning by morning, new mercies I see.
All I have needed, Thy hand has provided.
Our pastor is in the middle of series about the life of Joseph. Today, his title was
Settling In,
about Jacob moving his family. He related it to when we move our family or when we have to make decisions and want to make sure that we are in God's will.
I have been able to look back at my life and see how perfect God's timing always is.
I know that He has a perfect plan for each of us as Christians. I am so glad that He gives us second chances. I'm so thankful for the new mercies every morning. I am so thankful that He did pardon my sin and has given me a peace that endures forever.
I am so thankful that His presence does encourage me and guide me and gives me strength for each day and a bright hope for tomorrow.
I have been blessed more than 10,000 times!
I hope that you know the Great Faithfulness of our God and Father.
Have a blessed Sunday and a great week!
I am linking this up for Spiritual Sunday.
I love this song. Great post. Reading what you have written is uplifting and encouraging. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteOh!! Sandy, I have always loved this song not only for the melody but the words.I am so thankful for His new mercies I see each day.
ReplyDeleteI agree He does have a perfect plan ,and He is a God of second chances, and He has always been, and continues to be so faithful to me even when I am not. . Thank you for sharing.
I can't count the times I've sung this song through the years in church. The words are beautiful and so true. I love the story of Joseph. His life has always inspired me. I'm so glad you shared these thoughts with us today for Spiritual Sundays.
Appreciated this history.