Friday, September 25, 2009

A few of MY "Gonna Miss This. . .Moment"s

This week, my moments for the YOUR Gonna Miss This McLinky-1 year anniversary and 100th post celebration, are. . .

Going to Parent/Teacher conferences for our own children and hearing positive comments from teachers

Wearing my Mom t-shirts to sporting events,


helping with 5th Quarters and other church youth events, while I still have a youth of my own.

Join in at
to share YOUR Gonna Miss This Moment for this week.
Have a great weekend with your family!

1 comment:

  1. it is so much fun to be a part of their lives at this age! i am thankful that mine let me be there too! great moment to be missed! i should write about wearing the #81 on the back of my shirts to games! that would be a good one that i know i'll miss very soon!!
