Siesta Summer Bible Study 3 Launch
For our small group on this blog, Please comment to leave your answers to each question. You never have to do them all at the same time, but can if you want.
1. If you don’t know each other, spend a few minutes finding out some basic biographical information about one another. (Single, married, still in school, or in a career. Children, no children. The regular stuff. Keep in mind that everybody fits in Bible study. You don’t need to all be alike. In fact, the more alike you all are, the less you may sharpen one another.)
2. Each of you in your small group characterize your life in this present season in ONE WORD. Have the leader record these.
3. Each of you in your small group share one specific goal you have this summer for being in Bible study. Have the leader record these, too.
4. Look at the very last verse of the Book of Judges (Judges 21:25) because of its placement just prior to the book we’ll study together this summer. Discuss several specific reasons why doing what each of us sees fit at any given time could be dangerous. After several minutes of discussion, read Jeremiah 17:7-14 and talk about how this segment relates or contrasts to Judges 21:25.
Please join in today, as soon as possible, if you haven't already, please let me know if it is okay for me ot use your profile picture for a group picture of us.
Thank you!
1. Sandy, Durant, OK
ReplyDelete47, Married,
Children, Josh 24-Married to Adrianne, Daddy to
Madasyn-almost 4, expecting a baby brother
Kalyn-20, Jase-17
Teacher-not employed for next year, yet
2. Growing
3. Study the Word with other women
4. I'll come back to this one, later.
Gotta get ready for the group meeting in my home at 11:00. Please pray for me. Thank you!
Would like more info on what this is! Would love to join in.
ReplyDeleteOk I'm going to answer the questions myself and then attach at the bottom my feedback that I'm posting to the LPM blog as a report on how our group went:
ReplyDelete1) My name is Amanda Taylor I live in Richmond VA. I'm married to a wonderful man for six years. We don't have any children but treat our Luci cat like she is our kid :) I was recently diagnosed with a blood disease that has no cure. At this point in time I have to walk with crutches or in a wheelchair. But God is amazing and I haven't had any further progression of the disease in my body. I might have to have a full hip replacement this year. I only share this because its a huge part of my faith journey and builds my faith stronger and stronger every day.
2) My one word would be FAITH! Every day every single thing I do is by faith these days. Things you wouldn't think about like cleaning the house or walking down a flight of stairs. Total FAITH.
3)My goal this summer is to stay in the word but also to challenge myself to do a home group despite my circumstances. I'm love women, I love bible study can't wait to see what God is going to do in all of our lives through this.
4)I could really relate to the scripture in Jeremiah. Having a King and ruler brings order and peace to our lives. I'm so thankful for our king and ruler.
Now for the feeback for the LPM blog:
Richmond, VA
8 Counting me
We had a great time and such a nice mix of ladies and one 13 year old teenager. We had a great combination of married and single ladies.
My group of ladies were all strangers to each other. We had dinner and talked and chatted and got to know one another. I felt like everyone for not knowing one another really opened up and we got to peek in each others lives.
The most discussion we had was on the comparison of scriptures. We all could really relate to the scripture in Jeremiah and we all shared parts of our lives where we related. I believe we all left with the feeling that we are so thankful to have God in our lives and have a king to serve and rule over us. For all of us that brings so much peace to our lives.
We are meeting again in 2 weeks. Everyone volunteered to bring an item for our next meal and 2 of the ladies are making the pasta and flat bread recipes. Can’t wait!
~Amanda Taylor
Oh and another thing that was really neat is we had ladies from a few different religious and church backgrounds. One lady is catholic a few others go the Assembly of God Church here in the area.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I am always praying for you. I think it is so awesome how you brought together a whole group of women who did not know each other and with different backgrounds, and also how you are challenging yourself!
I know that there a few more women who be joining our discussion here on this blog.
It's actually better how Judi has it set up, without any other posts, but I still want to try to discuss it here, too.
Our group was awesome at my home for lunch today. We are going to have it at a different home each time. We ranged in age from 27-64. There were 8 of us today and 5 kids present. (lots more represented) There are going to be at least 3 more women next time, more kids, and some teenagers to babysit.
Our words were
selfless, disconnected, frazzled, busy, searching, transitioning, growing, perservering
Our common goal is to be
CONNECTED to other women of Faith and to God.
We thought that the first verse is how the world is. We all know from experience how true and important the verses in Jeremiah are, but all have lots of room to grow in our knowledge of that!
Looking forward to hearing from more of you!
Thanks so much Sandy. I take all the prayers I can get :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like you have an amazing group going as well. Love the age differences.
Growing was a common word one lady said blooming. I thought that was a great way to put her season in words.
Looking forward to the homework and getting to know you guys more :)
Sorry to be so late to the party! It took much longer to catch-up with everything after my vacation than I thought it would.
ReplyDelete1) I'm Shelli and I live in a small town in Southeast Michigan. I've been married to my wonderful husband Eric for nearly 17 years. We have two beautiful children: John, age 13, and Isabelle, age 10; and a little dog named Ben.
2) Refreshed
3) To learn new things from a well-loved story.
4)Funny, my first thought in answer to Beth's question was because our hearts cannot be trusted. We are so prone to act on feelings and not truth, and this can be very dangerous. Then I saw the verse I was thinking about in the Jeremiah passage: "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick."