Saturday, April 3, 2010

Be Encouraged this Easter/Spiritual Sunday!. . .Everyday!

Maybe not the specific scripture you are thinking of when you think of Easter, but

it's from me to you today. I hope you like it!

I Thessalonians 2:16-17NIV

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

addition to this post:
I am planning to substitute teach in the 2nd grade Sunday School class tomorrow.
I thought the lesson would be about Easter, but. . .like all of our church, the 2nd graders are in the
40 Days of Love Series.

Series Memory Scripture: I Corinthians 13:2b;4-7

Phrase of the day: Love is kind.

Definition: Kind-considerate, loving; doing something for someone without expecting anything in return

This week's Bible Verse: Love is patient and kind. . .1 Corinthians 14:4a (ICB)

Bible Lesson: Jesus Heals on the Sabbath-Mark 2:23-3:6(NLT)

Big Idea: Love is patient and kind. In this story, Jesus did not do what the religious leaders wanted, which was to ignore theman because it was the "wrong" day to heal him. Instead, Jesus was kind to the man with the crippled hand. What an awesome maracle and act of kindness! Jesus knew it was more important to be kind and to heal on the Sabbath than to worry about what the Pharisees thought of Him. Jesus could have walked past the man and waited untl it was more convenient or a better time, but He didn't wait. He chose the right time to be kind. Jesus is the ultimate example fo a "BFF" because He stopped everything He was doing and took care of those around Him by showing patience and kindness.

Application: How can we love like Jesus? It might seem easier to ignore someone who is in need because it isn't convenient or easy. In fact, sometimes in our busy and rushed lives, we can actually miss out on an opportunity to help someone who really could use assistance, just because we aren't paying attention! Next time you are busy and you feel God tugging at your heart to stop what you are doing and be kind to someone, take that challenge and show love to a person in need.

Note: All of the above "2nd Grade Sunday School Lesson" is from Saddleback Resources. (Rick Warren and Tom Holladay)

To join Spiritual Sundays go here! You will be sooo blessed! Thank you so much, Charlotte and Ginger for hosting Spiritual Sundays! I pray God's blessings on all of you! Happy Easter!


  1. Sandy, hope your class goes well. What a special job to teach little ones about Jesus!

  2. Love is the greatest of all. Blessings to you tomorrow as you worship and as you teach the children.

  3. He touches us with His love....and makes all the difference. Happy Easter.

  4. An Awesome Lesson. I hope you have a great Resurrection Morning!

  5. I hope that your lesson went well today.
    God Bless and Happy Easter,

  6. Awww. I'm hoping your Sunday School lesson was a huge hit. And, I think your verse for Resurrection Sunday was perfect!

    I pray you're doing well and I'm hoping you had a blessed Easter weekend. May God richly bless you today and every day! Love you bunches!!
