First, after hubby went to work, and I had my quiet time, I drove to my brother's house in the country, to spend some time with him, my sis in love, my son, and these precious little ones!

I have been to my brothers' house many times, but haven't driven it myself many times. I always miss a couple turns, and today was no different. I was simply pleased when I saw a road sign that told me I was going the right direction. When I got there, Gabby ran to me and looked up at me with a big smile. I grabbed her up and gave her the big hug she was wanting. That was definitely a SIMPLE PLEASURE! I was only able to stay long enough to hold and feed my baby grandson (a simple pleasure!) and eat a bowl of Taco Soup very quickly. (simple pleasure!) I drove almost an hour to spend just an hour and then drive more than an hour again to make it to my hair appointment. (which I didn't make it to on time, but communicated with my friend/hairstylist on the way, and she made it work. That was a simple pleasure.)
Then, I went by to visit Mom, just her and me sitting on her couch visiting. That was a simple pleasure. The picture of her was taken the day before, when my son met me at her home for a visit.

Join Dayle to share your SIMPLE PLEASURES THURSDAY